Pest Control Blog: Eliminating Mice, Cockroaches and the Other PestsPest Control Blog: Eliminating Mice, Cockroaches and the Other Pests

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Pest Control Blog: Eliminating Mice, Cockroaches and the Other Pests

Hi, my name is Susie, and I used to feel like I as a magnet for pests. As soon as I got rid of the fruit flies, the cockroaches would appear. As soon as I got rid of the cockroaches, the mice would appear. It felt like a never-ending cycle until I learned how to deal with each pest in its own way. If you want to learn to eliminate pests from your home forever, you need a foolproof strategy. You need a basic understanding of each type of pest, and you also need to know when to call the pros. Want to learn those tips? Then, explore this blog.


Termite Inspections – When Should You Consider Them Obligatory?

Living in Australia means being vulnerable to termite infestations. The warm climate and abundance of timber make this country a haven for these insects. But although there are several tried and tested ways of dealing with an infestation, it is always prudent to try not to be susceptible to one in the first place. Hence, termite prevention should always be sought rather than waiting to engage in termite treatment. An ideal approach to take when trying to evade an infestation is to request routine termite inspections. Read More 

Termite Treatments

Termites, which are also known as white ants, are the most dangerous among a wide range of pests which cause the most destruction in Australia. Termites can cause damage to structures and homes amounting to millions of dollars. It is more unfortunate that as the termites cause damage, insurance companies, which are supposed to aid people, do not cover any damages that may have been caused by termites. When you find termites in your home, cover the area with cardboard and tape it. Read More